106 Book - Proficiency and Pedagogy of Environmental Studies (H) - HARYANA D.El.Ed / J.B.T. 1st Year (Hindi Medium) Book - VINOD PUBLICATIONS ; CALL 9218219218
₹ 349.5
Unit 1: Concept of Environment Studies 22 Hrs. 15 Marks • Scope of EVS as a curricular area at the primary level • Curriculum Organization – two perspectives (a) EVS as an integrated area of study that draws upon understanding from physical, natural and social environment of a child. (b) Students study different syllabi (e.g. NCERT, SCERT Haryana and Delhi) to see how curriculum vision takes the shape of syllabus. • Environmental Studies and Environmental Education 28 Unit 2: Understanding Children’s Ideas 22 Hrs. 15 Marks • Perspectives in EVS Learning –Bruner, and Ausubel • Children’s Ideas – Preconceptions, Alternative Conceptions • Characteristics of Children’s Ideas, Researches on Children’s Ideas • Implications of understanding children’s ideas for classroom transaction • Analysing school textbooks for age appropriateness, relevance, based on the above Unit 3: Classroom Transaction and Assessment 20 Hrs. 10 Marks • Ways of conducting inquiry: observations, activities, discussions, and small group work, field visits, projects, surveys, experimentation etc. • Process Skills in EVS: Student-teachers organize simple activities for children like experiments to see what floats and what sinks in water; visit to nearby clinic, pond, stable, market; grouping flowers, seeds, leaves; analysis of newspaper reports by children. This will give them a chance to understand how children engage with ideas, make linkages, classify, analyse, kind of questions they ask, express themselves. • Different ways of assessment and reporting assessment for further learning Student-teachers use multiple ways of assessment using children's photographs, drawings, narratives, children's discussion etc while teaching in school. They prepare students‟ portfolios and report children's progress on various indicators such as expression, concern for justice, equality etc. Unit 4: Planning for Teaching 22 Hrs. 14 Marks • Considerations in concept-maps and thematic web charts • Evolving a Unit Plan framework. These can be discussed with peer groups • Resource pool of materials: community resources, developing, maintaining and utilizing other resources - newspaper reports, films, pictures, photographs, collection of seeds, flowers etc, iconic maps and local area maps • Reflecting on classroom practices: maintaining reflective journals of their internship experience in schools 29 Unit 5: Proficiency in Environmental Studies 24 Hrs. 16 Marks Thematic proficiencies based on class III-V curriculum as approved from time to time by Education Department, Govt. of Haryana. The following seven themes have been included: I- My Family and My friend II- Food III- Flora and Fauna in Surrounding IV-Water V-Shelter VI-Transportation and Communication VII-Man Made Things in Surrounding Prepare unit plans, lesson plans on basis of above seven themes. (Emphasis on Joyful and art integrated learning and play way methods)
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